Monthly Archives: August 2012

  • From Lance to Lourdes

    So much has been written and spoken about Lance Armstrong over the past few days that there is no point in me rehashing any of it here. Let's just say that there is no doubt whatsoever that he had the biggest budget for the 'best' doctors and coaches who enabled him to have the 'best'…

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  • Where have all the juniors gone ?

    Cycling in Ireland is in the midst of a Renaissance. Not since the days of Kelly and Roche has there been so many lycra clad smooth shaven legs on display throughout the highways and byways of Ireland. But whilst the last cycling boom produced a huge influx in the numbers of racing cyclists coming through…

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  • The thin white line !

    In life there are many lines that should not be crossed. There are a few on a bike too. The most common being the thin white one that can be found in the middle of almost any road. It sometimes seems as if the iridium lenses of cycling glasses block out the sun and the…

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  • You can’t beat an old dog for the hard road !

    ( Great pics of The Suir Valley 3 day can be found on ) Right now as I watch a track sprinter from Trinidad in the Olympics I am reminded of a rider who has overcome many a hard road and come out on top. Mehall 'Fitzy' Fitzgerald was doing a bit of track…

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