
  • Bike path to Holland

    A number of years ago former Murphy and Gunne team mechanic Seamie English and myself went to work in a meat factory in Holland . The factory was located in Enschede near the German border . Seamie was an experienced boner but I was an unexperienced Aer lingus trimmer . ie : Seamie would cut all…

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  • The men of the Ras

    Each year during the third week in May several towns in Ireland reverberate to the sound of Paddy Fitzsimons voice encouraging the people of the town to ' Give a big Templemore ( or eight other town names each year ) welcome to the Men of The Ras '. ' The Ras ' holds a mythical…

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  • Too close for comfort

    A friend of mine who works in the  A & E department of  our local  Hospital once told me that whenever there is  a full moon they are sure to have a busy night . There was a full moon over the weekend and they almost had an even busier time with the driving antics…

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