Tag Archives: Onda

  • Did you miss the Sunday Spin ?

    8am on Sunday morning. The rain lashes against the bedroom window as an alarm clock bleats nearby. The kids are already up and about. It is the weekend after all and they have probably been mooching around the house since 7am. Tomorrow is a school day and the normal routine of dragging them out of…

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  • Rain wear

    A wise clothing salesman once said that there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. There's a lot of truth in that nowadays with so many new technologies available to us all. One of the advantages of being part of a clothing company with Sean Kelly is getting to test out new…

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  • Pain is just weakness leaving your body.

    The day began cold but dry. We departed at nine and set off in the direction of Carrick to meet the lads coming up the road. In Carrick over thirty five smiling faces gathered at the old ESB before heading our way. By the time they reached Clonmel the group would number forty eight but…

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  • The King and I

    One day I was out on the bike when the phone rang. On the other end of the line was one of the most famous cyclists of all time Sean 'The King' Kelly. As we chatted he mentioned that he was heading over to the Cycle Show in Birmingham in a few weeks, and if…

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