50 Simple rules every cyclist should know

Own at least one really good pair of cycling shorts
Pump your tyres !
Know how to change a tube
Wash your bike
Wash your bike before bringing it to the bikeshop
Wash yourself
Wash your helmet and shoes
Don’t over lubricate your chain
Bring home your rubbish
Don’t fight with cars or trucks, there can be only 1 looser if it gets physical
Even if it doesn’t it will stress you out and ruin your spin
Check your tyres for glass
Know who won the most recent Grand tour and Classic
Never underestimate the guy in runners
If you shave your legs don’t leave hair behind your knees
Ladies shave all the way up, Old school men shave to just above the shorts line
Cycle no handed for 10 seconds on every spin
This builds the skill to take off or put on a rain cape whilst moving
Don’t be too quick to judge
Don’t be too quick to attack
But don’t miss the break either
Use energy gels sparingly
Know how many gears your bike has
Don’t judge a person with a Granny Ring
Never, ever wear anything under your shorts
Base layers go under the straps of your bib-shorts
Always put your chain on the outside sprocket when removing the rear wheel
Climbing hurts, get used to it
Don’t try to ‘save’ a gear for when it gets hard, use your gears and save your legs instead
If you eat regularly in McDonalds and own a ten grand lightweight bike there’s something very wrong someplace
Learn how to sprint
When cornering look where you want to go, not where you don’t
Disc brakes are better, end of story
To be able to ride a race or a sportive in the rain, you must train in the rain
It’s never as wet as it looks
Pointing the saddle down at the front does not make you feel like you are going downhill
If the sight of people with beards shaving their legs for aerodynamics confuses you, you are not alone.
Know at least one good Ras story
Tan lines are earned, not bought
If you wear trade team clothing, don’t mix and match
Mountain bikers wear peaks on their helmets. Road cyclists don’t
The only bike ride you’ll ever regret is the one that you did not do
Always help the new guy, we were all new once
Change your bar tape at least once per year
Strava KOM’s are not the equivalent of winning a race, or even finishing top 10
You won’t always be the fastest or the fittest but you can be the toughest
Learn to see the human side of the professional end of the sport
Everyone should see the Tour in the flesh at least once
Don’t take it personally if someone shouts at you when they are under pressure
Notice one new thing on every spin.
Seems reasonable. Can I add one more…?
51. Don’t turn up for a ride and THEN start carrying out repairs/making bike adjustments.
Richie Magnier
52. If you talk the talk you gotta walk the walk
(I had a friend of a friend give a lengthy monologue on the pros & cons of Speedplay vs Look pedals, amongst many other things he had clear opinions on, before being dropped like a stone as soon as our first climb hit just 3%)
the drunken cyclist
While on a group ride, if you do not know where you are going, stay off the front.
Sandra Rogers
No. 50 think that should be a bit further up then 50! ” Notice one new thing on every spin’