
Everyone experiences days when they do not feel like going training. We have all been there.
It would be easy to stay in bed, watch tv, sit on the couch, surf the web, have a quick look at Facebook that turns into an hour or any multitude of other distractions that seem like valid reasons at the time.
Maybe you feel tired after work, slightly sore after a hard effort the day before, maybe it looks like it might rain or you are feeling just plain lazy.
Well, here are a few quotes and video clips to help you put on your gear and get out the door, as that is the hardest part of any training session when you feel unmotivated.
The only training session that you will ever regret is the one that you did not do
Your biggest competition is the one in the mirror.
You can do more. You can always do more. -Dan Marino
If you don’t suffer the pain of hard work now, you will suffer the pain of regret later.
Gold medals aren’t really made of gold. They’re made of sweat, determination, & a hard-to-find alloy called guts. -Dan Gable
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. -Michael Jordan
You don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for.
A person who really wants something will find a way; a person who doesn’t will find an excuse.
Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most.
I’ve failed over & over & over again in my life & that is why I succeed. -Michael Jordan
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Now, put on your gear and GO TRAINING !
Great post Barry. Its easy for us to make excuses about why we can’t train or ride, but always hard to just jump on a bike. Personally, I’ve been motivated by life experiences (which I don’t wish or think people should wait for) and thats why I get out when I can no matter what is going on. At the end of the day, it is our life, we control it – not the other way around.