The Bounty

In 1986 I had witnessed Sean Kelly win his second Nissan Classic, had saved up to purchase a Dawes Jaguar along with a red Decca woollen jersey ace matching woollen leggings.
In January 1987 I joined a group spin from Ardfinnan organized by Joe Lonergan. His son Bernard was there too along with the Dalton’s from Ballylooby, John ‘Stoney’ Wall and Graham McGee from Cahir.
We left Ardfinnan headed for Clonmel and just as we passed the entrance to Knocklofty house I found myself beside Graham McGee. Graham pulled a full size Bounty Bar from his pocket, offered me half and told me that Sean Kelly often ate Bounty bars out on the bike.
Graham shared his food to stop me getting the hunger knock and shared his advice to help me improve as a cyclist. I only ever met him a few times after that before he died tragically in a motorcycle accident but to this day whenever I see a Bounty bar I always think of him, just like tonight.
Cyclists of all shapes, sizes and abilities have something to offer others. Share your food, share your knowledge and share your spare tubes.
Cycling, just like life itself revolves around the principle of giving without expectation. And the results on and off the bike are often that you will receive in return more than you could ever have expected.
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