Balance on and off the bike

When learning to cycle a bike the very first thing you have to master is balance. Lean too much to the right and you fall over. Lean too much to the left and you fall over. Relax, let the bike just flow beneath you and you quickly develop confidence and it all falls into place. Cycling then becomes easy, until you face your first climb and then you learn all about the feel good factor that you experience when you push through a pain barrier to reach the top, and then go on to discover the exhilaration of the wind in your face on the decent.
Life itself is much like riding a bike. It’s all about finding a balance that works best for you. If you never climb a mountain you never experience the thrill of the decent. If you never have a bad day at work you wouldn’t know how to recognise a good one. But how do you find that balance? Maybe the key is to relax and let that balance find you.
This is the time when people make New Year resolutions. Train more, cycle more, swim more, run more. Plan more, work harder and save more. 78% of people will have given up on their resolutions by the third week in January. Then the guilt sets in and people go backwards. Guess what, it’s not their fault. Our lives have become so saturated that there just isn’t time or space to fit any more in. Maybe this year instead, we should look at what we’re going to do less of, so that we might just be able to find some time and space to do more of what really makes us feel happy and fulfilled.
Happy New Year,
Bruce Bussell
Love your thoughts on finding balance. Finding that balance helps you on rides when a great day unexpectedly turns south. I wrote a post you might like to read which focuses on how to turn keep from letting those dark days ruin your cycling. Here it is. I hope you read it and let me know what you think.