Aladdins cycling cave is hidden in Drogheda

There are two types of bike shops. Those owned and operated by cyclists and those that are just commercial ventures. No prizes for guessing which will give you the best experience.
Many of those owner operated shops do a lot more than just sell bikes. Many are a treasure trove of good advice whilst some even have treasures hidden within.
The cyclist will often have memorabilia from their own racing days, whilst some may even have memorabilia from a few professionals.
Then there is Austin Walsh of Quay Cycles in Drogheda. As you enter his shop the first thing you notice behind a 12 inch girls bike that Santa may be bringing to a young 4 year old this Christmas, is an Irish Team Jersey which Mark Scanlon wore to victory in the World Junior championships in Valkenberg. Across from that is Paul Kimmages’ RMO Liberia Team bike. Approaching the counter you notice two glass cabinets. One Kelly, one Roche. Each with bikes, jerseys, books and trophy’s galore. You think to yourself how amazing Austins’ collection is, until he invites you into the back of the shop where the true treasure awaits.
Last week Paul Butler and I accompanied Sean Kelly as he became reacquainted with his glorious past in the back of a small bike shop in Drogheda. This is what we found :
Sean Kelly’s Vitus De Gribaldy
Stephen Roche’s MBK
Paul Kimmage’s RMO Liberia
Martin Early’s Rossin
Nicolas Roche’s Kuota
Laurence Roche’s Stephen Roche
Malcolm Elliott’s Peugeot
Sean Yates’ Peugeot
Barry Hoban’s Mercier
Dominique Arnaud’s Raleigh
Deno Davie’s Carrera
Raleigh Banana
Graeme Obree’s Hour Record Washing Machine bike
Chris Boardman’s Cougar
Sean and Austin
Stephen Roche’s Fagor MBK
Another Sean Kelly Vitus De Gribaldy
Stephen Roche’s Battaglin
Sean impressed with this pair of 100 year old wheels with Bamboo rims. Weight : 1400g for the pair.
Shay O’Hanlon’s Mercian
Shay Elliott career photo gallery
Brian Robinson Collection
Team Jerseys of Morgan Fox and Ciaran Power
Raphael Kimmage
Andy Roche
John ‘Kippers’ McQuaid
Malcolm Elliott
Joey McLoughlin
Greg LeMond’s World Champion Jersey
Matt Brammier
Les West
Mark Scanlon’s Jersey from his Junior World Championship victory.
Many happy memories for Sean
Sean won so many races sometimes it was thought that there was more than one of him.
A bus driver going past the shop recognised Sean
This is where you will find Austin and his incredible collection :
11 N Quay, Lagavooren, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 NW40
I highly recommend a visit for any cycling fan.
Jim McGuire
Spent a few hours down with Austin earlier this year,honoured to be in the company of a real enthusiast whose enthusiasm was magnetic he has a treasure trove of memorabilia well worth a visit,he even puts money in the meter to avoid you getting a Parking Ticket wish everybody had the drive to keep alive our wonderful cycling history!
Olivier Vandystadt
Hi Austin,
First of all, congratulations for your amazing collection! I am a big fan of Sean Kelly, I followed all his career! Just one King!!!
Would you accept to sell your jersey Peugeot ACBB Boulogne Billancourt? Your price is my price.
Hope one day to come to your shop for a visit.
My Instagram is (biciclissima), you are welcome.
Best regards,
Olivier (Paris)
John Crump
Alan McCormack anything about him?
john Crump
Alan McCormack?
Always very moving to see a pic with Sean and my uncle Jean de Gribaldy
Thanks for the Jean de Gribaldy (my uncle) with Sean Kelly picture in your shop.
Best from France.
Hello Pierre, many thanks for your kind comments. Very important to remember Jean.. Can you please give me an email to contact you on someday. Best regards, austin
Bernard McCormack
Hi Austin.
What a collection of fantastic memorabilia from the glory days of Irish Cycling. Brilliant to see all those super bikes and photos. Fair play to you and keep up the good work. Kudos.
Berni McCormack
I have a bike that may interested you
Contact me on Instagram