  • Cycling for life !

    My boss from my first job after leaving school was in the shop recently and whilst we were chatting I was reminded of something he told me shortly after I began working with him . One day I was in his office and he asked me if I knew why I got the job over…

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  • League 5-7-07

    [youtube=] Joe Hahessy shows a clean pair of heels to the rest of the bunch !

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  • Big Brother 9 – in a bikeshop

    Day two thousand one hundred and fifty nine .   9.17 am : Housemates Ray and Barry arrive for work and to open the big brother house (shop) for Business at 9.30 am .   9.31 am : First customer of the day enters the showroom and makes his way towards the counter . Customer…

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  • Bike path to Holland

    A number of years ago former Murphy and Gunne team mechanic Seamie English and myself went to work in a meat factory in Holland . The factory was located in Enschede near the German border . Seamie was an experienced boner but I was an unexperienced Aer lingus trimmer . ie : Seamie would cut all…

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  • ‘ The Knock ‘

    The knock or the bonk or whatever you wish to call it is something almost every cyclist experiences at some stage or other . And whilst Knock may be a place of pilgrimage for many Irish people 'the knock' is another form of pennance altogether . The most common location around us to view someone…

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  • Tip of the week – bike washing

    One of the most important ways to keep your bike running smoothly is to wash it often . It will save both money and frustration as it will improve chain wear and show up most minor problems before they develop into major ones . Here's how to do it properly ! What you will need :…

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  • Cycling to work

    With the summer now officially upon us along with the longer evenings and brighter mornings more and more people are being tempted to leave the car at home and  cycle to work . The advantages are obvious , heatlthier , cheaper , faster if you live in a town or city , more enjoyable as…

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  • Tip of the week – cornering

    A lot of people have difficulty cornering or descending on a bike and here are a few tips to help you along the way ; 1 : Always look where you want to go , not where you don't want to go or down at your front wheel . 2 : Brake before the corner…

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  • The men of the Ras

    Each year during the third week in May several towns in Ireland reverberate to the sound of Paddy Fitzsimons voice encouraging the people of the town to ' Give a big Templemore ( or eight other town names each year ) welcome to the Men of The Ras '. ' The Ras ' holds a mythical…

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  • Tip of the week – position

    A few simple ways to check that you have the correct position on the bike ; 1 Knees . If the front of your knee is sore it may be that your saddle is too low , if the back of your knee is sore it may be too high and you may be overstretched…

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  • Tip of the week – punctures

    What to do if you get a puncture miles from home ! 1 : Always carry at least one spare tube along with a few patches and some solution (glue) . Most people will also need a set of two or three tyre levers and of course a pump . 2 : If it is a…

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