Better days

‘Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change’ – Wayne Dyer
No two days on a bike are exactly the same, even if you do the exact same route. The direction of the wind can change. It can rain or it can be dry. There can be lots of traffic or very little. You could pass a friend and have a chat or you might not meet anybody. The sun might warm your cheeks or the sleet might sting them. Staying at home during this current lock down can be much the same.
I am finding that I now have more time for my family in a non distracted way. Normally when we do something together, in the back of my mind is a niggle telling me that as soon as we get whatever we are dong together done there is something else that I must attend to. I tend to be with them 80% and 20% am away in my mind thinking about some work that I have to do.
This week (and it took this long for my brain to switch gears) I am finding myself more relaxed when we do things together, and the result has been very worthwhile. Kids feed off of your attention. You can fool yourself that you are working really hard to earn the money to get them things and bring them places, when what they really want is just your time. Your undivided attention. Your love.
There are many different ways to view the current restrictions and the enforced lock down. Some might view them as being claustrophobic, frustrating, boring, depressing or whatever negative approach you can come up with. However, I have discovered that these days, which won’t last forever, can actually be better days than you would normally have during normal times. Embrace them, enjoy them and make the most of them. Enjoy the time with your family in person if you can, but if you are not living under the same roof then there has never been a better time to discover how to use technology to stay in touch. Zoom, houseparty, FaceTime, whattsapp (or whatsup as a friend of mine is convinced it is called) mean that there really is no excuse not to connect and spend some time together.
Read more, listen to more music, podcasts or audiobooks. Tidy your surroundings and get some clear headspace. Go for short runs or walks, and maybe even a cycle or two within a 2k radius when the roads are quiet. Do group rides on Zwift and zoom at the same time so that you can have a virtual group ride. Do online yoga classes to improve your flexibility. Do online strength and conditioning to improve your general fitness. Do online cooking classes and learn to prepare healthier meals. Learn a foreign language so that you can order from the local menu next time you are abroad at a Sportive or Gran Fondo.
These could be the very best days of your life, if you make the decision that you are going to make the most of them.
Stay fit, stay happy, stay well.
Rowerowe Porady
Yes, positive thinking is the key. I’m trying it every day. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But I’m on good route 🙂