
  • New bike envy

    There is a process to buying or getting a new bike. I can still remember vividly the entire process from when I was a teenager. I had a special notebook where I listed out each individual component and how much it was going to cost. There were pictures glued in that I had cut out…

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  • Staying safe, and how Remco could have been saved by training in Carrick

    The author recounts a cycling accident in Carrick on Suir, emphasizing important safety lessons learned. Key takeaways include the harsh reality of cyclist-car encounters, the necessity of vigilance towards drivers, and the effectiveness of daytime flashing lights for visibility. Cycling safety requires personal responsibility, patience, and route selection to avoid traffic.

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  • The Kelly effect

    ‘You are the reason that I am a cyclist’ was the most common thing I heard last weekend at the Rouleur Classic Show in London. Nobody was saying it to me, but as I was often the person holding their mobile phone as they stood next to Sean Kelly for a photo, I heard that…

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  • The feel good factor

    Food stops followed hammer drops. Tired legs and sore bums were soon forgotten when the children and their families cheered, hugged and thanked us for doing what we love to do.

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  • What do you tell yourself?

    ‘I’m going to win this stage’ Henry Ford once said ‘if you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re probably right’ Jean deGribaldy told Sean Kelly ‘of course it’s possible to race the Tour of Flanders, then go straight to the 5 day Tour de Basque and come back up to ride Paris…

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  • From Roubaix to Rhodes

    Sean Kelly was famous for his ability to triumph over all types of adversity in the very worst conditions. The roughly hewn cobblestones of northern France, especially those in the vicinity of a small town called Roubaix were no match for the hard man from Carrick on Suir. Wind, rain, sleet and snow could not…

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  • Swinging from the bars

    Next Saturday or Sunday, when you are out on your group spin take note of how people around you are moving their bodies when out of the saddle on any climb. They will be split into two very distinct groups. Those that swing the bars and those that don't. Anyone who spends more than 60…

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  • You are what you read

    It is often said that you are what you eat. This is because the fuel that goes into our body has a direct impact on the way we feel and the energy output of our bodies. The same can be said about our minds. You are what you read. If you spend all day looking…

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  • The Race – preparation

    The race begins the day before. It actually began weeks, months and perhaps years before but that longer timeframe is more about the training involved to get there and best left to your coach, training programme or club. Here we are concerned with just the race itself. The day before you will wash and clean…

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  • How to make 2023 your best year yet

    At this time you may be looking to make 2023 your best year on the bike yet. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, there are plenty of ways to up your game and enjoy the many benefits that cycling has to offer. Here are some tips to help you have your best…

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  • Empty dreams

    Cycling is more than a sport, more than a hobby or pass-time. Cycling for those who are consumed by its freedom, and the feeling of being alive that it provides, is a way of life. At times it can feel as important as breathing.

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  • Balance on and off the bike

    When learning to cycle a bike the very first thing you have to master is balance. Lean too much to the right and you fall over. Lean too much to the left and you fall over. Relax, let the bike just flow beneath you and you quickly develop confidence and it all falls into place.…

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  • Sean Kelly and Sam Bennett – 2 of just 38

    Imagine for a moment, a young soccer fan putting on their kit and heading out onto a pitch for a training session with Ronaldo and Pele. A golfer playing 18 holes with Tiger Woods and Rory McElroy. Or a musician walking out on stage with Bruce Springsteen and Ed Sheeran. If you are a cycling…

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  • Shop Wars

    Paddy Looby is manager of one of the biggest Lidl supermarkets in the country. For the past while his top shelf stacker has been Sonny Burke. Since coming to work in Lidl Sonny had been getting on like a house on fire with Paddy. He could stack shelves better than any other shelf stacker in…

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  • The scratch

    Reality also hit home. It was only a small scratch, had no effect on the performance of the bike and was something you would have to look very close to see. He was focusing on the smallest imperfection and overlooking the 99.9% that was perfect.

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  • Go First !

    During these uncertain times a type of social weariness has infected people. You pass someone you know on the street and because you both are wearing facemasks there is a moments hesitation before acknowledging each other. Sometimes the chance has passed before you realise that it was someone you knew. You passed each other without…

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  • The Bounty

    In 1986 I had witnessed Sean Kelly win his second Nissan Classic, had saved up to purchase a Dawes Jaguar along with a red Decca woollen jersey ace matching woollen leggings. In January 1987 I joined a group spin from Ardfinnan organized by Joe Lonergan. His son Bernard was there too along with the Dalton’s…

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  • The joy of cycling

    Cycling is meant to be enjoyable. Remember that ! Riding a bike can bring you to places in your locality that you would never normally visit. It can take you back in time to places where you grew up and because you are on a bike and not in a car you can stop and…

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  • My Favourite Spin

    Having cycled a bike on many different roads and routes all over the World, I sometimes wondered what my favourite route is. Having given it a considerable amount of thought it turns out that I didn't have too far to look. For many people the conditions necessary for a good bike ride can be very…

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