Cycling is the new Everysport

After the 2008 banking crash and following recession many found themselves taking up cycling for exercise. It became more popular than ever and was determined by official figures in both the USA and Europe to have surpassed golf in terms of numbers of participants. Many of these new cyclists came from the ABC1 demographic that many golfers fall into so cycling became the new golf.
Over the past two to three years there was a drop off in terms of numbers of people cycling for fitness and recreation. Club memberships began to decline and new bike sales in some areas were also declining.
A good barometer for the popularity of cycling and the numbers of participants is the road between Carrick on Suir and Clonmel. Since the halcyon days of the Kelly/Roche era of the 80’s and 90’s this has been a real hotbed of cycling. Given the fact that the great Sean Kelly himself would often be seen on these roads, it is an area where cycling has always been popular and a sport of choice.
The last recession saw the emergence of the Carrick Dole Gang. This was a group that would meet up on a Wednesday morning to go cycling together and cover 80 to 100km before lunchtime. Starting out with just 2 or 3 riders over time it grew to days when in excess of 20 cyclists could be seen riding along together in the shade of the Comeragh Mountains. Amongst these numbers were block layers who were out of work, factory workers on short time, part time farmers, butchers on days off and one former double Paris Roubaix winner.
It was not unusual to turn up outside Super Valu in Carrick on Suir on a Wednesday morning to find a stranger having driven for over two hours just to experience a spin with the Carrick Dole Gang.
Unfortunately nothing lasts for ever and over the past two to three years the numbers turning up for the Wednesday morning spins began to wane. Eventually a point was reached where there was not a single cyclist outside Supervalu on a Wednesday morning. Builders were back at work, part time farmers were now full time and short time factory workers were doing overtime for double time. The roads around Carrick and Clonmel became quieter in terms of the number of cyclists seen.
That was, until the past six weeks.
Since the Corona virus landed on these shores and the ensuing lock down followed, single cyclists are now to be seen on every main road, back road and bodhreen that you could imaging travelling within your 2k radius.
These are not just lycra clad MAMIL’s, many are cargo short wearing, running shoe bearing MASPILS (Middle Aged Soccer Players In Long Shorts), MARPELS (Middle Aged Rugby Players Enjoying Longish Sociallydistantcycles) and HAFTHROBs (Hurlers And Footballers Trying Hard Riding On Bicycles)
Soccer, Rugby, GAA and many other team sport players are now turning to cycling as a way to keep fit and get some exercise. Some are even commenting that they wish they started cycling sooner and are most likely here to stay within the cycling community. This may only be confirmed when they transfer from the running shoes to proper cycling shoes.
The only group cycling that can be done at the moment is with members of your own household and this has led to another revelation for some. When you get your son or daughter out with you for a cycle you get to see a different side to them. The act of doing something physical that occasionally puts you both under pressure whilst also facing forward and not having to look directly at the person lets the real character come out. Kids open up and their personalities shine through. If they are worried or concerned they will speak a lot more about it to you in 1 hour on the bike than they will over the course of a week on a couch watching TV or messing on their phones.
Yesterday I went out and did a few loops of our 2k radius circuit with Kate who is in sixth class in primary school and who should be making her confirmation next week. It was one of the most enlightening and enjoyable spins that I have been on in a long time. I got to find out exactly where her head was at and once that was out of the way we had a great time. She was making me laugh so much that I had trouble keeping up with her on some of the short climbs.
Bike shops who are open are also seeing a huge increase in demand. Many have had to change how they operate as the idea of a potential customer coming in to browse through a selection of bikes on the shop floor is no longer possible for now. Some shops who previously relied on the customer coming through the door are now selling virtually and even doing one to one virtual sales presentations via zoom, FaceTime or Skype. Such is the demand for new bikes that supply has become a problematic issue with many of the leading brands selling out of certain popular models.
In the short to medium term future, team sports and group activities are going to be seriously curtailed if not made completely impossible to partake in. Gyms and fitness studios are closed and will most likely be some of the last business to re-open. Now more than ever before physical activity and keeping fit is hugely important for both the mind and the body. Basically there are just three options available if you want to do something outside of your home: walking, running or cycling. Walking will not be challenging enough for many. Running may cause injury to bodies already under pressure. Cycling is the one sport that anyone can do with a much lesser chance of injury and is also something that can be challenging enough to build a good deal of fitness.
One day into the future the Carrick Dole Gang may rise again but in the meantime cycling may well become the most popular and practiced sport in the World for a long time to come.
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