‘Getting’ to set goals

Yesterday I attended a one day seminar by Gerry Duffy in Dublin. For those who never heard of Gerry he is a Mullingar man who along with Ken Whitelaw has raised over €300,000 for Irish Autism by running 32 Marathons in 32 Days and who won the Deca Ironman event in the UK. That’s 10 ironman triathlons in 10 consecutive days.
Nowadays Gerry is a huge advocate of fitness and sport and the importance that plays in every aspect of our lives. He gives motivational talks to schools and companies and larger organisations but occasionally runs one day workshops for people interested in learning all that he has to offer. I was delighted to get to attend his Deca Strategy one day intensive goal setting seminar in the IMI in Dublin. His down to earth straight talking style made for a very entertaining and exhilarating day.
Gerry is a great example of someone who took continuous small steps to massive achievements in his life. At age 27 he was 4 stone overweight, smoking 30 cigarettes per day and taking little exercise other than a round of golf. Then he changed course and his life story changed. To find out more check out his website here www.gerryduffyonline.com
There were many golden nuggets of wisdom passed on by Gerry, but one that really struck home to me was the difference in attitude between thinking about training as something that you have to do and something that you get to do. How many people in wheelchairs or in hospital beds would love to get out there on a bicycle on those days that you feel too lazy or unmotivated to train ?
Setting goals was the main focus of the day and this is hugely important and relevant to cyclists, triathletes and pretty much anyone who wants to make the most of their lives. You have to know exactly where you want to get to before you can set off on the journey.
One cyclist who had a High School teacher who understood this was Greg LeMond. A history teacher once told Greg that he would never make any money from riding a bicycle but another teacher was a little more forward thinking. One day Greg’s class were told to write down their goals for the future and here is what Greg Lemond wrote out on his note book ;
Junior World Champion in 1979 ( He won the 1979 title )
Gold medal in 1980 Olympics ( He was selected for the American National team but could not go due to the boycott at the Moscow Olympics )
Pro World Champion by age 22 ( He won the 1983 and 1989 races )
Win Tour de France by age 25 ( He won in ’86 , ’89 and ’90 )
Writing out clear goals is the best thing that you can do to further your cycling career no matter what level you are at. Do it now !
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