Good !

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change !
This morning when I awoke at 5 am to the sound of rain beating against the window my first thought was – Good! ………. or it should have been…….. In fact it was something more along the lines of ‘I’m going to get wet today’. But it definitely wasn’t ‘It’s wet, so I’m not going out”
As it turned out, and as is so often the case, the rain wasn’t half as bad as it sounded from the pillow and it stopped altogether after a while. Then it got me thinking, what would happen if your first reaction to anything that comes your way was ‘Good’, so here are a few examples:
It’s raining – GOOD
I get to go out when the air density is at its thinnest and go faster.
I get to feel the satisfaction of doing my full training spin as planned whilst others get all poopee pants and stay home. If you’re going, you’re going. End of story. In the past when Tony Ryans gang left Carrick at 9am on a Sunday morning they came up the Clonmel road, rain, hail or shine. There were no text messages or whatsapp messages floating the opportunity of chickening out. You put on your gear (which wasn’t a patch on what’s available today) and you just got on with it.
I learn to handle my bike in all conditions so am prepared for any weather when I go to ride an event.
It’s Snowing – GOOD
I get the chance to learn how to handle my bike in the snow.
I get to breathe in the crisp clean air.
I might get to save a stranded tourist:
There is a caveat when it comes to riding in the snow. It’s fine on the day when fresh snow is falling but once it freezes overnight and turns to ice then the next rule applies;
It’s Icy – GOOD
I get to use the rollers and work on improving my balance
I get to use the turbo trainer and do one leg drills to improve my pedalling technique.
I get to race people from all over the World on Zwift.
I get to watch an episode of that series that everyone is talking about on Netflix, whilst on the turbo trainer.
I’m injured – Good
I get to go out for an easier spin on the bike to allow the blood to circulate faster than if I was home sitting on the couch, which will get the plasma to where it needs to go to help me to heal faster. (Sean Kelly told me about that one)
I get to loosen myself out and feel better whilst on the bike. In the past when I put out a disc in my back I found relief by going out on the bike and loosening everything up.
My bike has a puncture – GOOD
I will fix it as fast as I can and get out there on the road. I will be sure to check my bike the night before in future, and this will never happen again. It will be good to know that my bike, as well as my body, will be properly prepared before any event that I choose to take part in.
I can’t find my gear – GOOD
I now have the kick in the backside I need to get organised and prepare my kit the night before.
I don’t feel like it – GOOD
There’s no way this one is going to stop me.
If you let not feeling like it stop you from doing something, then half the World would stay in bed all day long. Life is not meant to be easy all the time, feeling like you’re floating along on daffodils all day everyday. Sometimes it’s a grind and it’s tough. You just have to suck it up and get on with doing what needs to be done. At a time where everyones a winner and nobody can be insulted, you just have to stand up above the crowd and live in the real world where work has to be done and many days can be a battle to survive. Acknowledge this, and get on with it. It is only when you do the hard things that you don’t feel like doing that you will get to understand the enjoyment and pleasure which will come from doing the great things that you do enjoy. If you never have a bad day how will you ever know what a good day is, on or off the bike?
I didn’t get a good nights sleep – GOOD
Now when I go out and do my training I will be so exhausted that when 9 or 10pm comes along I will be asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and I will get the best nights sleep ever.
In a World full of all the reasons why you shouldn’t do something or can’t do something, we should stop looking for excuses or someone else to blame, only look for a solution and then get it done!
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