Nissan Classic Pictures – The story behind the photos

Jason O’Brien, who took the fantastic shots of the Nissan Classic going up Seskin Hill in 1985 now shares his experience in words of that fateful day.

Photographer Jason in the colours of the famous Biscuit Club from Waterford
Myself and a school mate (he can be seen in the bottom right of the Roche pic, red hair grey jumper J ) “excused” ourselves from school that day
and walked across town and made our way up Seskin. We stayed there for all the circuits and obviously missed the finish in Carrick itself, but I was just getting into cycling
And I wanted to see the Pros on the Hill.
There was an overnight stay in Carrick , and we spent the evening going from team to team watching the mechanics wash and repair these amazing chrome forked machines..
Many an evening was spent trying to replicate the shiny forks and spokes that we saw … and sometimes we tried it on the cassette, and sometimes we finished it ..
I can remember in later Nissans, getting so many autographs on the official programme.. Dag Otto Lauritzen Ron Kiefel , I remember that 7-eleven team were very nice to fans, I got 2 bidons and a musette from one of them ( sadly lost over the years ….) Phil Anderson, Eric Boyer , Roche , Earley….. I never did manage to get the Kings … JOn a side note , I was out training heading towards Lemybrien from Carrick one Sunday morning when I was racing , when I meet a cyclist coming against me in PDM gear… it was Kelly…..he zoomed past, I thought for a few seconds, and then I went after him. It was the day after he won the UCI world cup ….. Just myself and the King on the road back to Carrick chatting away ….. just as he came to his turnoff for home, I decided to be bold …
“Sean , any chance of your hat “… “ Jaysus no, shur tis the only one I have” , and away he rolled ………….
Thanks again for sharing Jason.
David O'Sullivan
Hi Barry, lots of great memories. I remember arranging with the Ever Ready team director to sit in their team car in the final stage from Birr to Dublin. Great craic in the hotel where we met at the stage start. Found myself chatting to Tony Doyle, who couldn’t have been nicer. He was taking the mickey out of Henk Lubberding from the Panasonic team.
In the car during the stage, Phil Thomas was driving and Joey McLoughlin’s wife Vicky was there too. Great to chat about the Nissan and all the Kellogg’s City Centre races too. The mood went very sour when the subject of Paul Kimmage’s book came up. They were not too complimentary about it.
Anyway, fantastic day seeing the race from the inside.
David O’Sullivan