Old Bleach Cycle Club
Club Name: Old Bleach
Club Website: http://www.oldbleach.co.uk
Club Contact details:
eMail info@oldbleach.co.uk
Tel 07712 124 209
c/o Arches House
Arches Lane
Main Street
County Antrim
BT41 3JJ
Club Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/oldbleach
Club Twitter page: http://www.twitter.com/oldbleach
Meeting points and times: Saturday club runs – 9-30am from The Old Forge, John Street car park, Randalstown.
Sunday club runs – 9-30am from The Old Forge, John Street car park, Randalstown.
During the summer
Tuesday evenings – 6-30am from St. Comgall’s Primary School, Antrim.
Wednesday evenings – 7pm from The Old Forge, John Street car park, Randalstown.
Thursday evenings – 6-30pm from The Old Forge, John Street car park, Randalstown.
Club Promoted Events:
Club Sponsors: N/A
Kathy Dobbin
Hi, my Dad won 3rd place in the Old Bleach Grass Track event in 1953. Do you have any photos from then?
I have the engraved pendant he was given.
His name was David Dobbin. He also worked at the linen factory.