
  • Katz Malackie !

    There is a guy who regularly comes into the shop called Katz Malackie . Now Katz is not an Estonian sprinter but a van salesman from just outside Clonmel . He never raced , but always had an interest in cycling and often fixes up neighbours bikes , and bikes he 'pulls out of ditches'…

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  • Good Manners on the road .

    Last night I was reading my  5 year old daughter her bedtime story . It was an Enid Blyton story called 'Somebody saw' all about a boy who wasn't very good at sports but got a special award for being a considerate road user on a bike . The story was aimed at young kids…

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  • Down at the E.S.B.

    For many years now the 'Carrick' group has set off at nine am from outside what was the old ESB office in Carrick . This group spin is an institution in Irish cycling with every level of rider from Sean Kelly down joining in . Before it would have been possible to fill every national…

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  • Sean Kelly looks forward to 2010 Season

    Sean kelly looks forward to the 2010 season with the An Post Sean Kelly team speaking at the teams training camp in Calpe , Spain . [youtube=] Barry

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  • 2010 FBD RAS

    The 2010 race looks like yet another epic . Philip Cassidy , 2 time winner looks like he might compete in what will be the 30th anniversary of his first Ras . Malcolm Elliott is another 48 year old who will surely be making an impression on the race if he turns up once again…

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  • Wear chamois cream !

    Team managers often give a pep talk to all of their riders to motivate and encourage them for the race ahead. This pep talk may or may not have been given at this years Tour de France, and it revolves around chamois (pronounced shammy) cream ; Riders of the team of 2024 , if I…

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  • Sky’s new cycling commentator

    Last week in London a new professional cycling team was launched . The new 'super team' has entered cycling right at the top by gaining an elusive pro tour license . A sponsorship agreement with SKY television has ensured that the new team will have one of  the largest budgets of any team on the…

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  • Christmas Spirit and the bottle of Cidona !

    Christmas is always an unusual time of year in a bike shop . It's not the bikes really , but the people that make it a little different . From the excited kids all looking forward to the visit of the man in the big red suit to the harried mothers who just have to get the…

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  • Singapore Spam !

    There must be a huge cycling community in Singapore as we seem to receive one of these about once a week  . This came in this morning from a lovely fella in Singapore once again ; Dear Sir or madam I'm currently looking for partnership business that will be able to supply road bikes parts…

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  • Runkeeper update !

    After my previous post I received some good tips from Jason from Runkeeper and @damianb on twitter re. extending battery life . Today I turnerd off the wifi and pressed the sleep button on the Iphone and gained power . I started a 3 hour spin on 85% and still had 27% when I got…

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  • Iphone 3gs v Garmin edge 705

    The Apple Iphone is a fantastic gadget . It has applications for just about everything . It can determine what gear you should use to ride up aple d'huez at 70 rpm in under 1 hour (shiftit )  , the distance , profile and location of almost every famous climb in Europe ( icols )  , and what length spoke you need…

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  • BSO – Bicycle Shaped Object

    Last Thursday evening the BBC consumer affairs programme did a feature on BSO's ( a term coined in the UK ) details of which can be found here :   [youtube=]   These 'bikes' do have a place in the cycling society by getting more people on bikes and catering for people who are…

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  • How Much ? for a bicycle !!

    Sometimes , when you meet someone who is not a cyclist and they ask how much your bike is worth the reaction can be quiet amusing . In general , the information that a regular guy or girl has a 'bicycle' worth anything from two to twelve grand is responded to in a tone of…

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  • Worlds Week

    This week is probably the most important week of the year in the cycling calender . The World cycling championships take place in Mendrisio , Switzerland . Beginning tomorrow with the Mens under 23 Time trial and culminating on Sunday with the Elite road race it will be an exciting week for all cycling fans…

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