
  • The Art of the deal

    A friend of mine recently booked a hotel for 29 people . He is always trying to get a deal on something and the hotel in question was no exception to his system of bargaining . After a number of phone calls a deal was finalised . A very competitive room rate was agreed but the…

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  • From Kabul to Carrick !

    With Soldiers , Marines , Navy seals and Air force pilots all taking part the town felt pretty safe all weekend . Some of the riders were in our shop and over at O'Gormans coffee shop admiring the cycling memoribilia . The American team were happy with the facilities at Fort Kilworth where all teams shared their military accomodation . I'm sure that desolate spot on top of a hill outside Mitchelstown bore little resemblance to Fort Worth Texas but these boys are used to roughing it . One of them had been a bike courier in San Francisco for ten years before joining the army and raced with John Brady and Declan Lonergan

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  • How much are you worth ?

    This is a question that arises among the professional cycling fraternity at this time of year . Some riders are trying to negotiate new multi-million euro contracts whilst others are just trying to survive another year in the pro peloton . The minimum wage for a pro tour rider is €33,000 whilst a new pro…

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  • The Fan !

    The driver is determined to get the extra 20 and makes excellent time heading out to the airport , but he sinks low in his seat just as they pull up at the departures terminal . He has just noticed 2 police motorbikes in his rear view mirror and is wondering just how many multiples of his 20 euro he will have to pay for the speeding fine .

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  • Paul Helion – You will be missed !

    This morning I returned to work after a 2 week family holiday . Like everyone it takes me a while to get back into the swing of things , but today was no ordinary day . At 9.23 my mobile beeped with a message . I looked at it and had to read it twice to…

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  • So , What is the Etape ?

    Three friends are sitting at a bar one evening chatting about their respective sports .  One , a formula one enthusiast , is animated as he describes the roar of the engines as he stood just fifty feet from the cars as they thundered past . The grey blur of the McLaren driven by Lewis…

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  • 2009 Sean Kelly Tour !

    Recently the 2009 edition of the Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford was officially launched . This years event is part of the very successful An Post Cycle Series of 5 leisure tours throughout the country . Sunday August 30th will see thousands of cyclists gather in Dungarvan for the event , which this year will be in aid…

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  • My friend told me !

    It is always a little intimidating , walking into a shop with a rough idea of what you want to purchase , but not actually knowing what  exactly it is that you require . Some people will just walk in anyway and ask for a little advice . Others will pretendthat they know what they…

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  • Bikes on a plane , or a boat !

    Now that Summer has arrived and many cyclists are planning on bringing their bikes with them to either The Etape , The Marmotte or even just on their family summer holiday the question arises as to what is the best method of travelling with your bike . The professionals nowadays rarely have to travel with…

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  • Updates

    I've had a few people asking about what happened after a few different posts so here are a few updates ; We sell 'head' Cormac from picked up on the story and got in touch with the company involved . One of the owners came on board and was very proactive in improving…

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  • The Wicklow 200

    I've just had to search through some cycling gear to find a green jersey with 'Wicklow 200' plastered all over it to check when I last rode the event . Mine says 2003 , so it has been 6 years since I last took part in one of the toughest one day challenges in Irish…

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  • Apres Ras

    Most people think that the FBD Insurance Ras is only an 8 day stage race . They are mistaken . The 'on the bike ' section of The Ras takes 8 days , but the analysis afterwards takes at least another 7 to 14 days . This years edition was no exception . The Ras…

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  • Irish Hospice fundraising cycle

    Alan Kennedy is now preparing for an epic journey from Dublin to Paris in aid of the Irish Hospice foundation but he needs your help - please read Alan's message below: I've decided to undertake a cycle challenge from the 19th to the 24th of  July 2009 to raise funds for the Irish hospice foundation, the…

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  • Heard a good one today

    Day in day out you meet all sorts of people with all kinds of different stories . Many are interesting to the people themselves but may not have mass appeal . Today however , I heard a good one . Recently a husband and wife were celebrating the wife's birthday in a Dublin restaurant .…

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  • The Carrot

    Each bank holiday weekend in Ireland AA road-watch inform motorists to be careful on the roads due to the increase in the volume of traffic . Usually there will also be a traffic warning about a cycle race taking place and motorists will be advised to drive with caution around that particular area . The…

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  • Bill Hyland Race Video

    Jonathan Ryan of put together a great video of the 2009 Bill Hyland memorial promoted by [youtube=] an here's another one from [youtube=] Barry

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  • A tale of two races !

    Yesterday Clonmel Cycling Club ran yet another very successful series of races . The circuit chosen was good enough to be a National Championship circuit , and as Ray said all week ' The strongest rider on the day would win the race ' . The days racing began with the underage riders testing out…

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  • L’Etape Diary part 3 – Camp Kenmare !

    With only 13 weeks remaining until this years Etape du Tour Sean O'Leary of organised a training weekend in Kenmare Co. Kerry for some of the participants . Base camp was the Kenmare bay hotel where Sean had booked a number of the newly built attached holiday homes . The very best of local Kerry…

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  • 93 Reasons to keep cycling

    No two days standing behind the counter of a bike shop are the same , and no 2 customers are the same . Our youngest customer to hand over their euros at the till was a 3 year old girl who bought her own bell , with plenty of confidence and self assurance . Our oldest…

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