
We do not train to avoid pain, we train so that our body and mind learn to tolerate pain.
Recently I heard someone say that cycling was meant to be enjoyed, not endured. They were correct, to a point, but the fact is that it is not possible to fully enjoy cycling if you cannot, and will not endure some degree of pain.
I love nothing more than to cruise along a greenway or blueway, with the wind on my back, floating along beneath the sunny blue sky at 25kph putting out no more than 100 watts. Every cyclist loves that type of cycling. But there are two main reasons why :
1 – You have trained on cold wet days with the wind in your face and have the perspective to understand just how much of a treat that sunny tailwind really is.
2 – You have suffered for an hour or more on long brutal climbs and now understand just how easy it feels to float along on the flat.
The greatest roads to cycle mostly lead uphill where you get to experience the best views, the cleanest air and the reward of the longest descents.
Mallorca and sunny destinations are really popular with cyclists from Northern Europe because they know so well what it is like ride all winter long in the cold and wet, and savour every moment spent in the warm Spanish sunshine.
Along with giving you perspective on the good fortune of warm sunny days, pain is also key to building fitness.
Physically going beyond your comfort zone is the only way to expand that zone. Sitting on a couch watching TV will not increase your fitness. Getting out on the bike, working up a sweat and feeling that extra bit of pain will.
The amazing thing is, that when you get used to some pain, and understand how it is helping to build your fitness, both physically and mentally, you reach a point where you no longer avoid it and actually look forward to it.
As strange as it may sound, a little pain never hurt anyone!
adam jones
I cycle along the south coast and it is windy nearly every single time!
On the odd occasion there is no breeze it seems too easy now.