Sean Kellys’ sportive training advice

With the Sean Kelly Tour coming up at the end of August people are now in training for the big event. Many cyclists have their own way of training. Some will stick regimentally to a training programme whilst others just get out on the bike whenever they can.
Twice recently I have heard Sean comment on how some people are making life difficult for themselves when it comes to preparing for events such as The Sean Kelly tour.
As a regular on the roads of Carrick and Clonmel, many ordinary cyclists get to meet Sean out on the bike.
One day recently he bumped into a small group who are in training for this years 160k event. They informed him that they were going well with plenty of two hour hilly training spins in the hope that this would be enough to get them through the 160k hilly challenge.
His take was different. In order to complete a 160k cycling challenge you must be able to spend six or maybe seven hours on the bike. Two hours training is better than nothing but five or six hours on flat roads is much better preparation than two hours in the hills, even for a hilly event.
Ideally you should build up to this amount of time in the saddle over a couple of months reaching the six hour level four weeks before the event itself.
Do this and you will have no difficulty completing the event comfortably on the day and enjoy it all the more.
Here are 10 more tips on how to ride a sportive
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