Tag Archives: charity cycles

  • The Plan

    Well, how are things, what’s the plan. This is the greeting that I received recently in the peas and beans aisle of Tesco on the by pass in Clonmel. I had popped in to pick up some fresh cream for the Pavlova that Ciara was in the process of making for Christmas dinner at her…

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  • Fairy Footprints

    When a child gets sick everything in life gets put into perspective. When a child is hospitalised all other concerns disappear. Portlaw cyclist Dermot Cullen and his wife Louise found themselves in that situation when their daughter Layla needed to be hospitalised in Crumlin children's hospital a while back. Thankfully Layla made a good recovery…

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  • Maserati Team Cycle Challenge

    Race against rugby stars Joel Stransky, Paul Wallace, Craig Chalmers, Serge Betsen, cricket legend Allan Lamb and pro-cyclist’s David Millar in the Maserati Team Cycle Challenge. You can either enter your own team of 4 riders or join one of the Celebrity or CygnatureSport teams as an individual! This multi stage 3-day event based out…

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  • Leman 24 hour Samaritans 

    Everyone who cycles a bike gets so much from the activity that they very often choose to give something back. In a spirit echoing the movie 'Pay it Forward' starring Kevin Spacey, many cyclist choose to help others less fortunate by doing something out of the ordinary. Charity cycles begin at a 10k level and…

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  • The Solas 500 – 500k in one day !

    The Solas 500 has an epic sound to it. A bit like the Indy 500 Nascar race in America. Whilst there may not be as much horsepower lining up at 12am (that's the middle of the night) this Saturday at the Giants Causeway in Antrim there will be a lot more heart then any race…

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  • Sarah Dillon Memorial Cycle

    Last April two loving parents said farewell to the most precious gift their lives had ever been graced with. A 9 year old little girl named Sarah Dillon left to fly with the angels. She may be gone, but her memory and the positive effects that she had on all who cared for her live…

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  • Cyclists doing good work !

    Cycling has always been a great way to get a group together and to raise money for different charities . Wheather it be a one day local sponsored cycle such as the emergency services cycle for autism next Saturday or a fortnight long overseas event such as those run by the NCBI or Crumlin Children's…

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