Tag Archives: tips

  • What do you tell yourself?

    ‘I’m going to win this stage’ Henry Ford once said ‘if you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re probably right’ Jean deGribaldy told Sean Kelly ‘of course it’s possible to race the Tour of Flanders, then go straight to the 5 day Tour de Basque and come back up to ride Paris…

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  • The Race – preparation

    The race begins the day before. It actually began weeks, months and perhaps years before but that longer timeframe is more about the training involved to get there and best left to your coach, training programme or club. Here we are concerned with just the race itself. The day before you will wash and clean…

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  • Tips for new cyclists

    A little over two years ago the number of people in Ireland who classed themselves as a cyclist (someone who cycles once a week or more for exercise) was 212,000. Recently the study was revisited and the current number of people who cycle a bike each week for exercise is over 500,000. With so many…

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  • Pain

    We do not train to avoid pain, we train so that our body and mind learn to tolerate pain. Recently I heard someone say that cycling was meant to be enjoyed, not endured. They were correct, to a point, but the fact is that it is not possible to fully enjoy cycling if you cannot,…

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  • How to breathe on a bike

    One aspect of cycling that gets taken for granted and is often overlooked is the importance of how you breathe. You do it non stop, hopefully, but most people don't really think about tuning into what this non stop activity can tell you and how you can improve when you pay attention to it. The…

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  • 20 things to do in 2018

    Have you ever lacked the motivation to get out on your bike on a cold or rainy day? Have you ever sat on the couch watching TV when deep down you knew you should be doing something else? Have you ever been afraid to step onto a weighing scales? Have you ever been frustrated with…

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  • Q & A Cycling tips and hints

    All the time I get asked all types of different cycling questions. Here are just a few. If you have any questions that you would like answered just drop me a line at barry@thecyclingblog.com Q : My day is very full. Where can I get the time to train? A : Get up earlier. Cycle…

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  • A day to appreciate 

    This morning was a great morning to be out with the Carrick Dole gang. The Dole gang gained their title during the recession when jobs were scarce in Carrick, but whilst the name remains, most members are now gainfully employed once again. Some now work shifts whilst others work Saturdays in order to have their…

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  • 10 Tips to help you race

    As the season fast approaches there are a number of key items that any aspiring racer needs to be aware of, and to focus upon. You have trained hard all winter so you might as well put all of that work to good use. Here are 10 tips that should help you on your way…

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  • How to be an Animal on the bike

    It feels good for the lion or the gorilla but what about poor Tommy or Billy at the back. They feel like an antelope after being savaged by a pride of Lions. It takes a different form of mental strength to keep coming back for more but they always do because they know that their day will come too.

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  • Travel tips

    Dawn was awakening over the Bulmers factory as I left Clonmel this morning.     My destination of choice was the NEC in Birmingham for Cycle Show UK which opens with a trade day tomorrow and runs until Sunday. I'll be spending most of my time on the Onda stand, G21 (clothing not motorbikes) so be…

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  • Descending Tips

    One day in Calpe at the An Post ChainReactionCycles early season training camp I was one of a group of five guests who managed to crest the Col De Rates alongside Sean Kelly and face the steep twisting descent on his wheel. Adrian Hedderman, Alastair Irvine, Paul Butler, Johnny Carroll and I were about to…

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  • 50 Simple rules every cyclist should know

    Own at least one really good pair of cycling shorts Pump your tyres ! Know how to change a tube Wash your bike Wash your bike before bringing it to the bikeshop Wash yourself Wash your helmet and shoes Don't over lubricate your chain Bring home your rubbish Don't fight with cars or trucks, there…

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  • Overheard on a bike

    No two days are ever the same, especially on a bike. When surrounded by all sorts of characters form all walks of life, by keeping your ears open you never know what gems of wisdom may be imparted. Some snippets sound like sage advice, and are, whilst other nuggets sound crazy at first but then…

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