The feel good factor

Most people who cycle their bikes do it for the feel good factor. Getting out there in the fresh air, releasing the endorphins makes you feel good, both physically and mentally. However, if you want to really ramp up that feeling, and multiply it, then you need to take part in the Tour de Munster. It truly is a life changing experience.
Whilst ‘the Tour’ is a very challenging cycling event, that takes you over some of the most iconic climbs and scenic roads in Ireland, the main purpose and reason for being there is to raise funds and awareness for people with Down Syndrome. You also get to know them and their families and that’s when the magic happens.
Paul Sheridan, the legendary figure who organises the entire event once again assembled his troops outside the English market in Cork last Thursday morning. Surrounded by hundreds of well wishers we set off on our way. Ahead lay over 600km to be covered in four days. The sun would shine and the rain would fall but nothing could dampen the friendliness and high sprits of every single person I came in contact with, both on and off the bike.
Sean Kelly was there and has now equalled his Tour de France and Tour de Munster participation numbers. He may have won the Green Jersey in the Tour de France 4 times, but he seems to enjoy the Tour de Munster more.
Food stops followed hammer drops. Tired legs and sore bums were soon forgotten when the children and their families cheered, hugged and thanked us for doing what we love to do. They had spent hours on end baking scones and buns, making sandwiches and organising as much food, tea and coffee as is humanly possible to feed us, and yet they were thanking us. It is a bit surreal until you get an understanding of what the event is about.
We are all born with different talents and abilities. No two people are the same, but for the most part the vast majority learn to walk and talk, sing and dance pretty easily and naturally as they develop throughout their childhood. Children with Down Syndrome have to work a lot harder to make those progressions, and often need a lot of help along the way. Speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, early development and education are all aspects that are needed and directly paid for by funds raised on The Tour de Munster. Each cyclist pays for all of their meals and accommodation so every penny goes directly where it can do the most good.
On Sunday morning as we rolled out of Gougane Barra I was beside a fellow cyclist who was telling me about his sister and her daughter who has Down Syndrome. When her daughter was born she found herself slightly distanced from some of her friends. Through a lack of understanding they did not know what to say. Then as time went on her daughter was occasionally excluded from some birthday parties as other parents weren’t sure what to expect. This highlighted another very important aspect of the Tour. Getting to know the children and their families, you get to see first hand just how much each child with DS has to offer all of us. They have no egos and are incredibly open and friendly. They are the best of what we should all strive to be. And when it comes to parties, a few of us found ourselves in a disco bar in Kenmare at 1am on Saturday night all because Ritchie, one of our friends who is a young man with DS, insisted that we all had to go dancing.
The Tour de Munster is like an antidote to much of what we are bombarded with in the World today. Looking at social media and listening to the radio, tv or podcasts it seems as if the World has become a scary place full of not very nice people all looking out just for themselves. However, for 4 days I found myself in the midst of an incredible group of very nice people. Good people. Every town, village and crossroads we passed through had people at the side of the road clapping and cheering us on. Cars were beeping to say hello and well done. We saw so many flags waving and posters held high that it felt like an Olympic homecoming, but it was just people out supporting the Tour de Munster. As I was driving home on Sunday night there were dark rain clouds overhead which cleared to reveal a clear blue sky behind, which was very similar to the effect the TdM has on people.
How does the event change you?
You drop part of your ego when you are immersed in the pure joy and honesty of the children and their families as you start to realise what the most important thing in life is, people.
You become inspired when you see Conor O’Dea being lifted from his wheelchair onto his trike and then see him climbing up St. Patricks hill in Cork. You no longer complain about the rain or wind, or how tired you might be feeling, because he never does.
You gain perspective on what is possible and how the biggest limiting factor in achieving anything we want to do is only ourselves.
You recognise that the vast majority of people are actually really good, nice and kind and they want to help others. They really do.
If you would like to take part in next years event you can find out more details as they become available here :
If you would like to make a donation that will directly go to benefit a child with Down Syndrome, and for example, pay for a speech therapy session, you can make a donation of any amount that will be very much appreciated here :
Many thanks,
Brian Morley
Fantastic article Barry, spot on, very well put
Micí McCullagh
Sums it all up very well Barry, it was good to meet you on the tour👍