I’ve had a few people asking about what happened after a few different posts so here are a few updates ;
We sell ‘head’stones.com http://worldwidecyclesblog.com/?s=wesellheadstones
Cormac from www.igopeople.com picked up on the story and got in touch with the company involved . One of the owners came on board and was very proactive in improving the safety of their trucks on the roads and also increasing awareness for the cyclists . I think that it was a great way for everyone to have their say in a non confrontational manner and the full conversation over and back can be seen here : http://bit.ly/KvPaN
There were many different opinions about how best to deal with road incidents , but I think that this was a good result allround .
Getting things sorted : http://worldwidecyclesblog.com/?s=getting+things+sorted
Here , I was trying to sort out any physical ailments in plenty of time for the Etape . As regards my back , I found that the method used by the chiropractor that I went to only succeeded in diminishing my wallet by €120 per week for a total of 3 visits per week which averaged 9 mins per visit . This lasted for a month , as I did want to give it a chance , but when I was told that I would need another month of 3 visits per week before the number of visits could be cut back I headed for the door . A customer in the shop mentioned pilates and I started doing a set of core exercises at home myself which did improve my back considerably . The comfort of my new bike has also made quite a difference and now I am pretty much pain free .
I also went along and had a set of custom orthotics made costing €300 . Computer scans were taken and foot moulds were cast . However when I collected the orthotics it turned out that they were both size 46 , even though my feet are 44 and 46 . It took 2 more pairs and about 5 months and a question as to whether had I arrived in with 2 size 44 would I be given 2 size 46 orthotics to get a size 44 and 46 pair of ‘custom orthotics ‘ made . I’ve tried to get used to them for 2 months now and have recently given up and gone for the much cheaper option of specialized green footbeds which have turned out to be a better fit and a lot more comfortable .
The overall lesson here is that cycling specific items by recognised cycling companies is the way to go , and a fool and his money are easily parted .
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