
  • Staying safe, and how Remco could have been saved by training in Carrick

    The author recounts a cycling accident in Carrick on Suir, emphasizing important safety lessons learned. Key takeaways include the harsh reality of cyclist-car encounters, the necessity of vigilance towards drivers, and the effectiveness of daytime flashing lights for visibility. Cycling safety requires personal responsibility, patience, and route selection to avoid traffic.

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  • Save a cyclists life, maybe even your own.

    Recently I was doing a bike fit for a member of the Ambulance service and as we were chatting I became more and more aware of just how important it is for us as cyclists to help ourselves should something happen when we are out there on or off the road. There is a window…

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  • Get off the road

    'Get off the road' is a phrase that every cyclist that spends any amount of time cycling on public roads will be all too familiar with. In general it is voiced with aggression from a passing motorist or passenger. The natural reaction is to react aggressively and to question why should you get off the…

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  • If Hi-Viz is the answer, you’re asking the wrong question

    Last week the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors called for Hi Viz clothing to be made compulsory for all Irish cyclists. This seems to have been a token gesture without very much effort going in to the reasoning behind it. Those who do not cycle, complain when they see a cyclist who does not…

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  • Save us please

    The vast majority of clips that appear all too regularly are posted by genuine cyclists who just want to enjoy a safe and enjoyable spin on their bike without a one tonne motorised missile piloted by an iPhone yielding, Facebook checker inner, sipper of a latte who sometimes gets confused between a windscreen and a tv screen as they are both secondary to their smartphone screen

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  • Choose Life

    I opened my email today to find this very thought provoking piece sent on by a cycling club in response to yesterdays blog post about safer cycling on our roads. This is well worth a read, and especially well worth showing to any motorists you know. Every cyclist and motorist has some kind of a family and people…

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  • Safer cycling on our roads

    Yesterday as I made my way home from a spin I began to consciously watch what the motorists around me were doing whilst driving their vehicles. One after another the majority were nodding their heads up and down like those nodding dogs that used to adorn the rear shelf of many an Opel Kadett. They…

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  • Seeing Sense on Irish roads

    One overcast Saturday morning about a year ago, as I waited for Anthony to come along for a spin, I noticed a flashing beacon far off at the end of the straight. A few seconds later I saw a fluorescent yellow Gillet and saw that it was Anthony approaching. He had just fitted a new…

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  • Every cyclist’s life matters !

    The danger of radio shows highlighting the plight of poor motorists against inconsiderate and wreckless cyclists is that it creates a mood amongst motorists where they see a cyclist and immediately think 'There's another one of those clowns who think they own the road' and the motorists behaviour is affected by their attitude and dangerous situations are created

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  • Be aware and Be seen

    Cyclists share the roads with many other road users, but of all road users cyclists are the most vulnerable. Walkers and runners spend less time on the road. Usually they face oncoming traffic and can see a potentially dangerous situation as it approaches. They are less likely to have to change course to avoid a…

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